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Skincare That Works While You Play

Our products are created by 2 beauty industry insiders who have spent years researching and perfecting formulas with the most potent and effective active ingredients. Not everyone has the time or energy to spend hours on a skincare routine. We make it easy with effective products that treat the effects of your work-hard, play-hard lifestyle

No Bullsh*t, Just Science.

Tired of pseudoscience and scare tactics? So are we. We focus on care tactics with solid formulations using the most effective, science-backed ingredients. We’re here to debunk myths and educate you with transparency.

Great Skin, Minus the Mess.

Skincare can be messy, but we’ve done the dirty work for you. With research-backed claims, industry knowledge, and bold formulations, we’re here to set a new standard.

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Effective skincare backed by innovative science.

At Educated Mess, we’re passionate about the science of skincare. We’re talking groundbreaking, innovative solutions with serious results. Our goal is to simplify and reimagine your routine so you can get smarter about what goes on your skin. When you ground products in education, you learn about what actually works and deserves a spot on your shelf.

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Challenge The Status Quo

The skincare industry is missing a massive opportunity. Behind the lab doors, we’ve found cutting-edge ingredients and scientific advancements that will change the game—but so few are willing to play. Instead of sticking to age-old or conventional practices at higher price tags, we got educated on the new and the next. And if we’re being’s even better than we expected.

Messy Doesn’t Mean Difficult

Say goodbye to distracting marketing tactics and extensive routines that fall short. It’s our job to simplify the science and formulate innovative products with powerful ingredients that deliver. We stay curious, questioning, and always one step ahead, so you can focus on everything else without worrying about what to put on your face.

Knowledge Is Power

Your skin should know better, right? If you equip yourself with effective products and consistent routine, a night or two off shouldn’t throw you back to square one. When you get educated on what your skin needs, you build a stronger, smarter foundation for future you.

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Meet Catherine!

Catherine, a passionate advocate for entrepreneurship, began her career by guiding small businesses on consumer behavior and product positioning. In 2020, her journey took an unexpected turn when her business partner, Alex, introduced her to the world of cosmetic formulation. Captivated by the disconnect between marketing, chemistry, and consumer needs, Catherine’s entrepreneurial spirit was ignited. After trying Alex’s standout formulations, she knew they were on the cusp of something transformative in the beauty industry. 

Meet Alex!

After years of crafting products for top beauty brands, Alex grew disillusioned with the rising tide of greenwashing and deceptive marketing plaguing the skincare industry. Frustrated by meaningless buzzwords like "clean beauty," she decided to create her own line—stripped of gimmicks and grounded in transparency. Drawing on her extensive experience, she used her own skin as the testing ground, meticulously developing potent formulas with cutting-edge ingredients and delivery systems. 

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